QHSE means Trust
Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental
The long-term business success of Fangmann Energy Services depends on our ability to continually improve the safety and quality of our products and services while we protect people and the environment. We pursue these aims while paying attention both to the safety and quality of our work as well as to the satisfaction of our customers. The extent to which we meet customer requirements significantly shapes the assessment of our performance and how we are viewed.
The responsibility for the quality of our products and services as well as safety, health and environmental protection in the company lies with the Board of Management. Through its thoughts and actions, it demonstrates the importance of these aspects within the company.
In order to document the equal status of quality assurance, safety, health and environmental protection alongside the other company goals at Fangmann Energy Services, the Board of Management declares the following guidelines as binding for all further business activities:
The following principles apply when fulfilling the contractually agreed products and services:
- Economic success, the quality of our products and services, occupational health and safety, health protection, and the protection of the environment (QHSE) are equal company objectives
- QHSE begins with the company management and ends with each individual employee
- Quality, safety, health and environmental protection are the topmost priority during any work and when conducting any activities in the company
- Any accident is one accident too many as accidents are avoidable
- Consider the possible effects on the environment before any work
- Prevent fires and explosions resulting from careless work; preventative fire protection involves everyone
- Continuous improvement of customer satisfaction
Quality, health, safety and environmental protection must even be taken into account comprehensively in planning and development. Accidents are caused by people. They can be avoided by each individual employee behaving in a safe manner in compliance with occupational health and safety. Supervisors bear particular responsibility due to their position. They must set high QHSE standards as role models. Protecting the environment and a careful handling of natural resources are an urgent concern for us.
The Board of Management binds itself and its employees to observe and implement this policy during day-to-day work!