Invitation to the site anniversary in Cloppenburg on June 20, 2024


Dear clients and business partners,

For more than 30 years, we successfully face the challenges of our trade. With ingenious foresight we established our Cementing Department in 2009. Courage and premium services guaranteed us extremely fast the trust of our esteemed customers. A special thank for this dynamic development is due to all of you, who were loyal to us from the beginning.

Keeping the milestones achieved in mind, we honor the 15th anniversary of our base in Cloppenburg and cordially invite you to join us. It would be a great pleasure to celebrate this significant day with you. We are looking forward to welcoming you.

Your FES-Team


Day of the celebration: Thursday, June 20, 2024, from 11 a.m

Location of the celebration: Our company premises in Cloppenburg, Hohe Tannen 14


We look forward to seeing you!


Kind regards,

Frank Fangmann, Geschäftsführer

Steffan Gerdes, Geschäftsführer




C U S T O M E R  D A Y

e x c h a n g e · e x p e r i e n c e · c o n n e c t


Lectures | Equipment | Catering | Graffiti Artist




Customer Day registration

Please register by 31.05.2024!

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    Customer day – donations instead of gifts

    A child's laughter is probably the most beautiful sound on earth!



    Instead of receiving gifts, we would be very delighted about a donation to the Cloppenburg Child Protection Association (Kinderschutzbund Cloppenburg). In any case, you help to improve the lives of children and young people. Without your support, the Kinderschutzbund Oldenburger Münsterland e.V. would not be able to achieve and implement so many things so quickly.


    Donation account

    Purpose of the transfer: Fangmann Kundentag

    IBAN DE36 2806 1501 0033 1015 01




    Over 30 years of innovation and vision

    We are proud of our success story. Go on a journey through our company history.